Something called “The Unfair Advantage”

Krisnauli napitupulu
2 min readFeb 27, 2021

I found a book called “The Unfair Advantage “ by Ash Ali and Hassan Kuba. They wrote that all of us had something called the unfair advantage. An unfair advantage is whatever gives us an edge over our competition to achieve whatever we want in success. In my opinion, this book is completely relatable and not like any other book which likely to talk about the theory. It’s always about the real thing and the unseen thing that happened behind the success of startup companies.

Surprisingly there are so many things that I didn’t know before till I read this book and then I was just astonished about it. Let’s say the success stories of the big rich people figures, all I knew was the hard work they did, the luck that they had but never knew what other things made them became so successful in their way, but this book hit different though. There’s some secret untold and those secrets were the thing that they called “The Unfair Advantage”.

“The Unfair Advantage” could be known from the MILES Framework :

  • Money

The financial condition is a very influential factor for a person. With every penny that they have, the more money they have, the easier it will be to gain access and facilities to make their dream come true.

  • Intelligence and Insight

Where a person goes to school and who their family is also one of the causes of the unfair advantage.

  • Location and Luck

Where we are born, how the environment around us, and the way other people treat us really give us a significant insight.

  • Education and Expertise

Do we remember about The Ivy League? The most favorite school in town, country, or maybe even in the world? But personally, I think it doesn’t matter where we got into school, we can get education from anywhere we want to. As long as we have the ability to constantly learning, then we are educated, ultimately we have expertise.

  • Status

The last one is status. After we get all four of them, then we will get the Status.

Here’s my favorite line from the unfair advantage, “Life is too random and arbitrary to balance out and give everyone an equal. “

